Thursday, October 13, 2016

I'm Losing Body Parts

Not having a chemistry lecture in the morning is like Christmas. You know what else is like Christmas? Having a double chocolate banana muffin for breakfast, that's what.

Having another slice of leftover pizza with a couple more chicken thighs isn't half bad, either.

It's especially not bad when you have some ranch to go along with your pizza!

You know what else else is like Christmas? Having cake...

...with plenty of ice cream!

Now is when the interestingness starts. Apparently, my body was so unaccustomed to playing tennis that when I started playing again, my poor little footsies could handle it. Eventually, the skin on my toes just up and quit on me.

A little later, we noticed that we didn't have that many sharks or peach rings left.

Instead of fighting to the death as I suggested, we ultimately mutually decided to divide them evenly. I got half of what was remaining and Sidney got the other half.

All's well that ends well.

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