Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Return of my Favorite Meal

Finally, a weekend day where instead of being tormented by cinnamon rolls that I can't eat, I get to eat one!

I also had some chips and salsa.

I didn't eat again until dinner, but when dinner happened, it happened.

Just seeing the scrambled eggs gives the rest away. Yes, it's true. After a few days' hiatus, my favorite meal makes its return! I just can't resist dinner burritos!

I browned up some sausage to make it official.

I had a twinge of whimsy tonight, so I decided to mix up the cheeses. I still had cheddar, but I also added in some Parmesan. This should be interesting...

So let's begin, shall we?

Just look at all that cheese! That's so much cheese! But, you know what I say: there can never be too much cheese!

I decided to keep it light by only making one burrito (plus I ran out of cheese!). I did finish off the eggs with a little more sausage though, as usual.

Unfortunately, it's a little difficult to see the cheese in these next two pictures, but believe me, it's there! And it was amazing! It was nice to mix it up a little with the cheeses.

Sidney and I then went over to her parents' house for a while, where we were treated to some ice cream!

And when we got back home, I decided to end the day with a jiggly limey snack.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Old Cinnamon Rolls and Burnt/Raw Chicken

Still on my high from the first The Grand Tour episode last night, I decided to treat myself to a tastier than average breakfast:

This cinnamon roll was I think more than a week old, but you know what, warmed up in the microwave for a few seconds, it still tasted just fine. Sure, it was a little drier than fresh, but it still tasted fine.

After my chemistry lab, I headed to the grocery store. I came across something I didn't know existed:

It seems as though my brand of brotein bars makes all kinds of brotein related stuff! I might have to try this brotein powder whenever I need some more (but who knows when that'll be).

When I got home, I attempted to cook up some chicken cutlets.

Sure, they look pretty good. Unfortunately, this wasn't my best day in the kitchen. Apparently, I had the heat up too high, so even though they were very crispy on the outside, they were still pretty raw on the inside. Sometimes I can convince myself that something isn't that raw, but these were just too raw to eat. So I hung my head as I put them in the microwave and nuked them to doneness. I also got some microwave rice to make myself feel better.

Oh well, it could be worse. The Grand Tour could not have premiered yesterday!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It's Been a Long Wait, But It's Finally Here

Today is going to be a very significant day. More on that later. First, brotein.

Also, spearmint.

I found it cool how brightly my watch was glowing after walking outside in the sun and then entering the depths of Budig.

I was then delighted to find a wild Chick-fil-a sauce in the bridge between Malott and Haworth.

I passed on this opportunity for gains, though, and instead elected to eat another brotein bar. It was a nice day, so I parked myself on a bench and enjoyed the weather in my short break between classes.

When I got home, I rewarded myself with a cookie. What was the reward for? It was a "just because" reward. Don't judge me.

Then, when 1800 rolled around, it was time. Oh yes, it was finally time! The day that Clarkson was fired and Hammond and May resigned from Top Gear was a very dark day. It was a day that I'll never forget. It was a day that a big piece of my soul dried up, fell off, and was reduced to dust blowing in the wind.

But then some good news: Clarkson, Hammond, and May would be starting their own new automotive show. My soul began to rebuild. But they didn't have a network, a name, anything.

But then more good news: Amazon agreed to produce their new show as a part of its original Prime Video content. And it only got better with word that former Top Gear producers and directors had jumped ship to work on this new Amazon show. But there was still no release date in sight. There was still no title. There was still nothing.

More than a year passed by with very few details. There were the occasional snapshots of the trio in various parts of the world, posing with a variety of hypercars. But that was it. One day, though, big news broke. It was announced that the name of the new show would be The Grand Tour. Finally! Finally we had something to latch on to! But there were still few other details. No details about the show itself, no release date. But there was a name, and that was something.

Later on, it was revealed that the name was indicative of the format of the show. Each episode would be shot from a different location around the world from a mobile production studio. OK, this was something more. But what about when the show would be premiering?

And then it happened. The date of the premier was announced to the world. It was announced that the resurrection of Jezza, The Hamster, and Captain Slow was slated for November 18th, 2016. Finally! It was now so real that it would be happening, that I let myself feel the excitement that I'd been wanting to feel for over a year now. But now it was real, now it was actually happening.

Fast forward to a few days before the November 18th. A few websites had come out with a hack for watching the first episode a day earlier than anticipated. They pointed out that the release of the first episode was indeed scheduled for November 18th, but at midnight GMT. What does that mean? It means that the show would go live on the internet at midnight UK time. OK, so what? So...the UK is six hours ahead of the United States (central time zone). You see where I'm going with this?? Midnight minus 6 hours is 1800 in the Midwest, so I would actually be able to watch it at 1800 on November 17th! With that, when 1800 rolled around, you know exactly where I was:

I got a big plate of fettuccine alfredo and watched the first episode of The Grand Tour.

For real, it was an incredibly emotional experience. If you love cars and the old Top Gear, you understand what I mean.

After the episode was over, and after I had use about half our monthly internet allotment, I was feeling so incredibly happy. I kept it going by getting some wonderful dessert. First, there was more of that cobbler from last weekend...

...and there was also another caramel pretzel brownie.

The cobbler was supplemented with just a tad bit of ice cream.

This was a day that was more than a year and half in the making, and it didn't disappoint in the slightest.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Favorite Meal

Oh look! Brotein!

After my class, I went to Sprouts since it's Wednesday. And keeping with my tradition of getting something gummy, I decided to try the spearmint leaf gummy candy. The thing with these things is that they're extremely polarizing. They are incredibly strong, so if you don't absolutely love spearmint, these things will probably taste a lot like soap to you. I absolutely love spearmint, though, so I can tolerate them. That being said, when you eat a lot of them, they start becoming too strong, even for the spearmint aficionado I presume.

And when I got home from Sprouts, it was dinner time! You already know what that means.

Yet another beautiful sight! These dinner burritos have easily become my favorite go-to dinner option here recently. Tonight I only had one, though, since there was also leftover fettuccine alfredo!

There was also some excess scrambled eggs, so I mixed that with a little more sausage and plopped it down on my plate. I then added a tiny slice of bread with some butter and called it a meal.

And, somewhat surprisingly, my dinner tonight, though more varied than last night's, weighed significantly less. Guess I'm getting tiny tonight!

I'll leave you tonight with one last look at beauty:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What to do with extra heavy cream

I grabbed a brotein bar for a quick and easy breakfast this morning. 

And coincidentally (or not) I had one after my last class of the day. By this point it served really only to keep me awake until I could get home.

But when I did finally get home, I was informed that we had an excessive surplus of heavy cream. I'll tell you, what a problem to have! Sidney and I quickly started on some homemade fettuccine alfredo!

The chicken was cooking in plenty of butter.

Getting nicely golden brown it was.

Soon, we had buttery and creamy wonderfulness!

I was perhaps a tad overzealous when loading my plate...

But even with over 2 pounds of fettuccine alfredo, I couldn't pass up on the bread! It is an Italian (sort of) dinner, after all!

I grabbed a couple slices and loaded them with butter, then I commenced the smashing.

And for dessert, I was graciously presented with a Nerds Rope, which is one of my favorite candy items.

I split it with Sidney.

Monday, November 14, 2016

A beautiful day

How do I know that it's going to be a beautiful day? Well, this is a pretty good sign:

After my day at school on this beautiful day, Sidney and I went for a walk.

Seriously, just going for a walk out in the country is one of the most relaxing things I can think of. On beautiful days like this, it is just so nice to slow down, enjoy the weather, enjoy the scenery, and just think about nothing in particular. It's one of my personal favorite and most effective stress relievers.

And when we got back home, I wanted to keep the good mood going, so I went back to my dinner burritos. Same story as yesterday. I still had some sausage and I scrambled some more eggs.

Unlike yesterday, though, I threw caution to the wind and went for pure satisfaction. That's what total relaxation will do. I just wasn't worried about anything!

Again, look at that beauty:

And after I had eaten my three dinner burritos, I had some dessert a la a Sidney caramel pretzel brownie. This is truly a beautiful day.

But I made it even more beautiful by adding just a splash of ice cream.

Seriously one of the best days.