Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What to do with extra heavy cream

I grabbed a brotein bar for a quick and easy breakfast this morning. 

And coincidentally (or not) I had one after my last class of the day. By this point it served really only to keep me awake until I could get home.

But when I did finally get home, I was informed that we had an excessive surplus of heavy cream. I'll tell you, what a problem to have! Sidney and I quickly started on some homemade fettuccine alfredo!

The chicken was cooking in plenty of butter.

Getting nicely golden brown it was.

Soon, we had buttery and creamy wonderfulness!

I was perhaps a tad overzealous when loading my plate...

But even with over 2 pounds of fettuccine alfredo, I couldn't pass up on the bread! It is an Italian (sort of) dinner, after all!

I grabbed a couple slices and loaded them with butter, then I commenced the smashing.

And for dessert, I was graciously presented with a Nerds Rope, which is one of my favorite candy items.

I split it with Sidney.

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