Monday, September 19, 2016

Legs for days

Seeing legs, you must've assumed that I went to the gym and got huge today. Well, you would be completely wrong! Quite the opposite, actually. I started off the day with a brotein-devoid muffin:

These double chocolate banana muffins are really growing on me. They're just so moist and so good.

I also had a cookie because wasting a cookie is the worst thing possible in life.

But back to the muffin. Just look at that beauty! It really is something to behold. And taste. And devour mercilessly.

Again, the requisite milk. Seriously, it cannot be skipped.

A little later, when I was out at the Field Station with my ecology lab, we were collecting aquatic insects when this bro snuck in:

Later, when I got home, I started on dinner. I had a lot of chicken legs to cook. I literally had legs for days! See, this is where the legs come in. It's not like I would actually train legs. Ha!

But meanwhile, while standing on my scrawny little bird legs, I cooked up the chicken legs.

When they were done, I brought them inside. I got to thinking, and I decided that all that chicken was just an unfair bias toward brotein. I felt as though carbs were all but forgotten. Being the equality seeking eater that I am, I invited carbs back to the party.

These sourdough carbs really did make the party much more diverse and interesting. I still had quite a bit of brotein, though.

I also had a salad, because health, right?

What a pretty dinner scene. It's almost too pretty to eat.

NOT!! I smashed everything in front of me. I even went back and finished off the little salad that was left.

And don't worry, I also got some more carbs and legs.

By this point, I had eaten 7 chicken legs. I was really hoping that by eating so many legs, maybe they would go straight to my own legs. Everyone knows that calves can't really be trained that easily, so I figured I'd try a new approach. Eating legs to get bigger legs!

I had my customary cookie for dessert.

It was a good day, a huge day.

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