Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I remembered to eat today!

As the title reads, I did in fact remember to eat before dinner today! Go me. I had a brotein bar for breakfast...

...and another for lunch! I'm on a two-meal roll!

I then stopped by Sidney's parents' house, where I found some soup and crackers. Of course I had to have some! I don't want to be rude, after all...

A little later, the weather decided that it didn't like the pristine (ha) condition my car was in, so it decided to take matters into its own hands.

Luckily, my car managed to escape without any major injuries.

But all was forgotten when dinner time came about, since we still had some leftovers from last night. I added a plum for some added sugar.

We also had some leftover sweets from last weekend. What would I choose?

Ahh, yes. A brownie all to myself is a rarity that must be taken advantage of, and take advantage of it I did!

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