Friday, August 19, 2016

Cookin' Cookies!

This morning I decided to grill my breakfast. 

I then wanted to make yet another attempt at making cookies at my parents' house. The last time I tried it they turned out kind of bland of crunchy. This could be completely my fault, but having nothing else to fall back on I blamed the ingredients. After all, I was able to make good cookies at home, so it made sense to me. My mom and I went out and got all new fresh ingredients. I then proceeded to mix up some cookie dough.

In tasting the dough I was pretty confident that these would be good. But there was still the baking to do. I scooped out the cookies and arranged them neatly on baking sheets. That's the easy part.

I then decided to lightly smash down the cookies on the right sheet to see the effects of doing so. I then baked them until they were just starting to look dry on top and slightly brown around the edges. That's the hard part. Too long and the cookies will be dry and crunchy. Not long enough and the cookies will be overly doughy in the middle. I wonder how I did.

In regards to the smashing versus not smashing, in the picture below, the trays have been switched, but the effects of smashing are obvious.

The smashed cookies came out much more round and flat. After a brief cooling period, I had to sample one for judgement purposes. This is where I find out if I over or under baked them and if the cookies themselves taste good.

Success!!! These cookies were as good as ever. That means that my past cookie woes were simply the result of outdated ingredients. Such a simple thing had me perplexed for months!

My mom then whipped up some fresh guacamole, and I helped her taste it.

I then helped her eat it!

I then had a piece of the eclair cake that she had made with the left over Bavarian cream from my cake.

It was so good too. I washed it down with a cookie, because cookie.

There was also a cookie that had very few chocolate chips in it, so I wanted to try it to independently judge the taste of just the dough.

The dough, I can confirm, was really good too!

I then had some brotein and fat to offset all the sugar I had eaten today.

But I had too much, so I had another half a cookie.

My mom then made some barbecue grilled chicken thighs for dinner for a much needed brotein boost.

Meanwhile, I had thrown some rosemary potatoes in the oven.

I had a salad with a bunch of carbs and cheese and ranch. We made the ranch with heavy cream just to see what it would be like. Of course, it was really good!

Dinner was good, too.

For dessert, I had to have another cookie. Come on, they were fresh! I couldn't resist.

For dessert, I had to have another cookie. Come on, they were fresh! I couldn't resist. It was the perfect compliment while watching the Olympics.

There is nothing like sitting on the couch and eating cookies while watching the fittest humans in the world.

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