Friday, February 19, 2016

Chocolate Milk

I had two classes today. Conveniently, I had two exams today. No biggie, but that meant my dietary regimen (if I can even call it that) was altered in such a way to accommodate for this fact, to maximize my physiological function and thus increase my performance on the exams. 

Before my first exam (0800), I started off with a couple new brotein bars. The flavors are a little unorthodox, but I won't give anything away. Try them if you wish. But they each contained 10 grams of brotein and 15 grams of carbs. This is a perfect recipe for mental acuity, so I had 2. I also had a mandarin for good luck. 

For my next exam (1100), I had a traditional granola bar, and another mandarin, again, for good luck. 

That was the extent of my food intake for most of the day. I then attended an informational seminar for and a campus and facilities tour of a bromedical school. This was very enjoyable, and, through my enjoyment, I forgot to eat for like 9 hours. So, upon my arrival at my parents' house, pizzas were ordered. 

There were several different kinds, and I won't bother to intimately describe each of them as their individuality is really quite irrelevant to the overarching theme of pizza: carbs with stuff piled on top. 

I ended up having two plates identical to the one pictured above, along with a little ranch on the side. This may not seem like a lot, but after this amount of food, I just didn't want any more. I felt like I made adequate gains, and I was not uncomfortably full. I had just one more trick up my sleeve though.

This is, without a doubt in the world, the BEST chocolate milk. I swear, there is something about it that just makes it irresistible. And I know just what that something is. It tastes just like melted chocolate ice cream, but with the ultra smooth and creamy consistency of whole milk. It is so unbelievably good, which is probably why it is so unbelievably expensive, which is definitely why I very rarely get this milk. But, it's worth it every now and then.

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