Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Foods 50

The superfood craze has no doubt changed the way people view nutrition. Partly created and spread by the rise of nutritionism, so-called superfoods and products made with and containing these enigmas have sprung up all over the place. Yet definitive criteria for categorizing a food as super remains a blurry line or two surrounding a massive grey area. So I will attempt to concisely debunk a few rumors and decisively clarify what it means for a food to be labeled as "super."

First, for a food to be super, it must be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday during the game or immediately prior to kickoff of the Super Bowl.

That's it. It's actually quite simple, really. 

With all the mysteries made clear, I'd like to introduce some of my favorite superfoods. 

My all-time favorite superfood is easily the classic hot wing. Notice how I intentionally used the specific term "hot wing" and not Buffalo wing. There is a very important difference. Granted, there are no set-in-stone rules defining what either variety of wing is, Buffalo wings are generally not breaded while hot wings generally are. There are also slight differences in sauces, of which I will not get into at this time. But back to hot wings being my favorite superfood. Not just any hot wing will do. My all-time favorite hot wing hails from the infamous Hooter's chain. For whatever reason, wings from this place seem to be quite polarizing, with people either loving them or hating them. I fall on the love side of that spectrum, and every wing that I eat inevitably gets judged with Hooter's as the crispy-fried, golden-brown standard. I prefer the Medium and Hot flavors for both their spice level and flavor. And I, being me, have oceans of ranch to go with these wings. Curly fries are usually ordered for a beautifully paired side.

I'll tell you right now that I usually start off with a fair amount of curly fries and exactly 8 wings. Then, after having finished the fries and wings, I go back for 8 more wings. Most of the time, this is the perfect amount. At this point I'm usually adequately full to the point that I want to stop eating, but not so full that I feel uncomfortably so. Some nights are different, however. Tonight was one of those nights. I started off on par: I got some curly fries and 8 wings. I sat down, watched the kickoff of Super Bowl 50 (Super Bowl L), and commenced eating. It had been a while since I had had these wings, so I took my time and enjoyed them. 

When they and the fries were gone, I got up to get more. I proceeded along my usual routine of reloading with 8 more wings, only this time I got a second serving of fries. I usually limit myself to a single serving of fries in order to maximize available free space allocated to wings. But it was Super Bowl Sunday. Go big or go home! I refilled my ranch and headed back for the couch.

I enjoyed these, too, while watching the game and famous commercials. In what seemed like no time, though, this second plate was also empty. I didn't feel too entirely full, and the wings tasted especially good tonight. I went back to find that only 6 wings remained. I grabbed them up along with the few straggling fries that remained and again refilled my ranch. 

It turned out that this was the perfect amount. After enjoying these wings and fries to the highest possible potential, I was full. I did not want to eat any more food, which is how it should be. I ended up with 22 wings and a moderate amount of fries, and I was happy. I watched the rest of the game satisfied and huge. 

But that was just how my day ended. And while there wasn't much other food to talk about today, breakfast was rather significant. It was especially significant when it comes to getting huge. After eating so many carbs yesterday, most in the form of simple sugars, I would usually decrease my carb proportion for the next day or so. But, being Super Bowl Sunday, I decided to go all in and throw caution to the bone chilling winter wind. I had 2 Bavarian Cream doughnuts from a gas station and a glass of milk. It was sooo worth it. 

As you may be able to imagine, after eating all this food, including yesterday, at this moment I feel like I'm about 30% body fat. Only time will tell, but right now, I feel HYOOOGE!!!

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