Monday, April 4, 2016

The First Full Day of Cutting

So it's now really hitting me. I'll no longer be eating with reckless abandon. Quite the contrary; I'll be eating with surgical precision. I broke out my trusty nutrition tracking app (MyFitnessPal) and updated my information to account for the hugeness I acquired over the past few months.

My breakfast and lunch looked almost identical to before. I had a classic brotein bar for breakfast, another for lunch/pre-workout, and 2 granola bars for post-workout recovery. I entered them in to MyFitnessPal and went on my way.

When I got home, I had a quarter cup of almond M&Ms. I entered them into my app as well. I probably shouldn't eat candy so often anymore since it puts me so far behind on my daily brotein goals.

But then it was time for dinner. I had just picked up some boneless skinless chicken thighs, so I cooked them on a George Foreman grill.

I broke out my trusty food scale. Literally, I ate 1 pound of just plain chicken thighs. No frills, only brotein. Luckily, thighs taste better than breasts, but this is party due to the higher fat content. Fat isn't necessarily bad, but, again, it puts me behind on my brotein goals.

After this chicken, I only had about 450 calories left. I was still 90 grams of brotein short of my goal, but being momentarily out of brotein powder and knowing that hardly no food has a 5 to 1 kcal to brotein ratio, I decided to cut my losses and just satisfy my calorie requirement.

To do this, I found 2 slices of super soft sourdough bread. I slathered cream cheese on one slice. On the other, I smeared butter.  

It was so glorious. Both tasted so good. On the right, you're looking at 47 grams of sourdough bread with exactly 28 grams of cream cheese. On the left, that's 46 grams of bread with exactly 14 grams of butter. All of this food combined came out to be 1,850 calories, just 2 calories over my daily goal. This was a success, even if brotein fell a little short. But a good first day of cutting if you ask me!

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