Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Island Bro

A trip to a small island isn't necessarily what many may consider to be included in the agendas of a bro trying to get huge. And those many would usually be correct. But, needing no further explanation, sometimes it's nice to take a step back from the stress of getting huge. Walking sandy beaches looking for interesting shells has a therapeutic effect that cannot be replicated, duplicated, simulated, or any other -ated. But that's not to say that food was completely forgotten about. In hopes of staving off the undesirable effects of atrophy (aka the opposite of getting huge), I ate a lunch composed of avian protein and cultured milk surrounded by some wholesome carbs.

I also had some potato chips, because hunger.  Through all of this, the constant power struggle between my bro self and some daring seagulls was escalating rather quickly. By the time I had finished my sandwich and moved on to the chips, they had become so brazen as to nearly eat the chips out of the very bag that I, too, was withdrawing chips from.

Me being too much of a bro even for birds, I walked away, though exhausted and bruised from the epic battle, victorious. I had satiated my hunger for gains all the while enjoying the serenity unique to a beautiful, natural, and undeveloped island on a sunny day.

Later on, with the riches of my victory wearing thin, I realized I needed to once again ingest some gains. Said gains would come in the form of a three bean medley, corn, mashed potatoes, bread with butter, and roast beef. I had seconds of everything, don't worry.

Still not feeling as though my gains tank was at capacity, and being in a citrus-producing part of the Earth's climate, I decided to sample the local wares. This occurred in the obvious form of key lime pie. But, unfortunately, I could not establish a reasonable and ethically fair opinion from the regrettably limited information provided by a single slice of pie, so I unwaveringly sampled another example of the pie. I was, after two slices, able to reach a meaningful conclusion. It was delicious!

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