Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Keep the Brotein Flowing

After yesterday's farewell to carbs, I thought it necessary to attempt the same today. Now, I don't subscribe to the "no carbs, no exceptions" ideology, but I do think that a limited carb diet is most effective when it comes to keeping body fat off. That's not to say that overall weight will or won't change, but a gross excess of carbs get stored as fat fairly readily. A high proportion of brotein also helps maintain existing muscle, since muscles themselves are mostly protein.

All this leads me to today's dining selections.

For breakfast, a chicken thigh and a hard boiled egg.
For dinner, a buffalo chicken pita with spinach, red pepper hummus, pepper jack cheese, and ranch. A side of kettle chips and a drink consisting of the finest dihydrogen monoxide round out the meal. 
And, being a Tuesday, one simply does not not get buy one get one free ice cream. But this is not just any ice cream. This is the best ice cream in the world, and it simply cannot be denied. And yes, it's the best ice cream in the entire world. And I know, I've had all the ice cream in the world. But, with all the carb loading I've been doing, I opted for the junior instead of the unnervingly large single (two scoops) in a waffle cone that I usually get. 

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