Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Storm Damage

Funny thing, food. It can bring you up, tear you down, make you huge, or help you get tiny. Currently, I'm hoping that it'll make me huge. Unfortunately, even for bros that are trying to get huge, sometimes we just get too huge all at once. A perfect example was yesterday. All the food I consumed  yesterday had a way of taking up vast quantities of volume within my innards that this morning I didn't even feel like eating. But, being knowledgeable in all things physiological, I know that I should eat something for breakfast to kick start my metabolism, thus melting tons of fat all day long. With that knowledge in my back pocket, I just had a couple dark chocolate squares. Besides the caloric uptick, they also abound in healthy antioxidants. I don't want those pesky free radicals establishing a stronghold inside my body.

This was a perfect breakfast. Not only was it light and healthy, but it got me back on track to the land of the huge. By lunchtime I was hungry. I wanted some quick brotein so I did what any bro on the run would (should) do.

I didn't eat again until dinner, mainly due to reasons mentioned previously. And when dinner time actually did arrive, I had soup. Two fairly large bowls of soup. 

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