Monday, November 28, 2016

I Can't Stop Eating Carbs!

Given the amount of carbs I've eaten in the past two days alone, I figured today would be a good day to cut back...NOT!!! For breakfast, I had some pie with whipped cream.

And for dinner, I started off with a little bread and butter snack.

And then there was more bread!

More bread and butter!

And again I had some leftover bowtie alfredo with sausage. Hey, look! There's some brotein in there! I see it!

And after this sudden and unexpected influx of brotein, I had to tamp it down with some more carbs.

And when the cookie wasn't enough carbs, more bread and butter was in order!

And then there was just one more cookie that needed attending to.

And a big glass of milk went perfectly. That was close, I almost ate too much brotein today!

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