Monday, November 14, 2016

A beautiful day

How do I know that it's going to be a beautiful day? Well, this is a pretty good sign:

After my day at school on this beautiful day, Sidney and I went for a walk.

Seriously, just going for a walk out in the country is one of the most relaxing things I can think of. On beautiful days like this, it is just so nice to slow down, enjoy the weather, enjoy the scenery, and just think about nothing in particular. It's one of my personal favorite and most effective stress relievers.

And when we got back home, I wanted to keep the good mood going, so I went back to my dinner burritos. Same story as yesterday. I still had some sausage and I scrambled some more eggs.

Unlike yesterday, though, I threw caution to the wind and went for pure satisfaction. That's what total relaxation will do. I just wasn't worried about anything!

Again, look at that beauty:

And after I had eaten my three dinner burritos, I had some dessert a la a Sidney caramel pretzel brownie. This is truly a beautiful day.

But I made it even more beautiful by adding just a splash of ice cream.

Seriously one of the best days.

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