Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A 2.25 pound Burrito!!!

Brotein and tennis. A perfect combination!

Brotein and lawn mowers. A perfect combination!

That was all I had to eat for a majority of the day, and I still had tennis practice later. It's never good from a performance standpoint to only have eaten 380 calories of brotein, and luckily for me Sidney offered to stop by Chipotle on her way home. I asked her to get a double wrapped chicken burrito with double everything. Here is what she brought home:

That's a full-size dinner plate.

Yes, you read that right. This burrito weighed over 2 pounds! The foil wasn't even close to covering it.

This thing was almost as big as my head. I say almost because nothing can ever be as big as my head.

This burrito was similar in size to the one I ate with Andrew way back when when we were going for speed. We finished those in about 5 minutes, so being able to eat the whole thing wasn't a problem.

Unfortunately, I thought it better than to eat over 2 pounds of Chipotle burrito and then play tennis immediately afterward. So I ate half, then went and dominated, and then came home and finished the rest.

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