Monday, May 2, 2016

Back to the Weekly Grind (Not Really)

When I mention "weekly grind" I mean that halfheartedly. I had a brotein shake for breakfast and a brotein bar for lunch. As a sort of plot not so much twist but more of a slight bend I had another brotein bar after the gym as well as a brotein/amino acid shake. 

This was done to allow me to eat less for dinner aka allow me to not have to eat 1.5 pounds of plain meat.

This turned out to not be the case, however, as I mixed it up a little bit. I was tempted in to trying a red velvet truffle that Sidney's sister, Callie, made last night. Apparently, she made these "because [she] was bored." Well, why weren't you ever bored when I was bulking???

Anyway, she said it was basically just red velvet cake mixed with cream cheese. Whatever it was, it was unbelievably good. It was nice, but it really tested my self control. Luckily for me, my self control was the victor.

But just look at this thing...

Meanwhile, my actual dinner was done cooking. I threw a pound of ground turkey into a pot and cooked it. Interestingly, once it was done cooking, it only weighed 9 ounces. Nearly half of it had cooked off.

!!!CAUTION!!!: BroScience inbound.

The way I look at it, the fat is what cooks out and is then later drained. The brotein doesn't go anywhere. So, in essence, by cooking this down from 16 ounces to 9 ounces, I've essentially concentrated the brotein while simultaneously reduced the amount of total calories by eliminating some of the fat. According to the package, 16 ounces of turkey contained 880 calories from 68 grams of fat and 76 grams of brotein. Ignoring the fact that this adds up to 916 calories, I essentially lost a lot of the fat. But not wanting the hassle of trying to figure out how much fat was lost, I simply entered the original stats into MyFitnessPal. If anything, it's an overestimation of calories, but that's better than underestimating them.

To complement this turkey, I also had a black bean burger with onions and ketchup on one slice of bread split in half.

It was actually really good and also had 17 grams of brotein. Works for me!

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