Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I had a another brotein and BCAA cocktail for breakfast. And due to some extremely poor planning, that was all I had until I got back home around seven and a half hours later. Oh well, I guess I'm getting extra lean today.

I was tempted to scavenge a little carbs and donor DNA from the bottom of a desk...

...but ultimately decided against it. I prefer spearmint over peppermint.

When I did finally eat again, it wasn't in the manner that I had expected. When I got home, Sidney belted a sweet treat at me. After regaining my bearings after this barrage of carbs, I decided that it wouldn't kill me to eat it. I decided to savor the process, which you can see beautifully depicted in a series of photos below.

I then had a bowl of "clean out the refrigerator" chili. It consisted of, well, who knows.

Concluding that something was missing, but not wanting to add many additional carbs, I opened the fridge and saw the solution.

Yes, I grabbed two slices of American cheese and torn them up. It turned out that these were more for show, as for some reason I couldn't really taste them. But then that's usually the case when I put cheese in chili. It always ends up looking better than it tastes.

After this bowl of chili, I still needed much more brotein and calories. But brotein is the most important thing. I didn't want to just drink 5 scoops of brotein, for multiple reasons, so I decided to cook six eggs and drink 2 scoops of brotein.

And that brought me pretty close to my goals. I was still a little under on brotein and calories, but at least I won't be getting huge! Abraham Lincoln's "Emaciation Proclamation" comes to mind right about now.

"Four score and seven pounds ago, when I still had muscle..."

Alright, it's obviously time for bed.

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