Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chicken Salad

I love weekends. I always seem to get huge during them. Take this morning for instance. Instead of a brotein bar, I find this wonderful eclair cake. It was literally better than any eclair I've ever had in the past. I have my amazing mother to thank for that. My only regret is that I didn't eat more than one little piece. 

For lunch, I had a manicotto with Alfredo sauce along with a chicken salad. See, I can eat a salad. Am I doing it right??

I also had a homemade crunchy chicken cheddar wrap with ingredients sourced from the cafeteria. I replaced the cheddar with pepper jack and used sriracha instead of Buffalo sauce.

When I got home, I learned of the unfortunate demise of the rooster that had become such a familiar and comfortable presence in the backyard. His vocalizations in no way corresponded to sunrise, but, without fail, when I would go outside, he would greet me with his territorial screams and hooping and hollering. Unfortunately for him, he got a hankering for the hens, which quickly turned rather dark. If only I could've been there for him, I could've taught him that violence is not a way to a woman's heart. Alas, he learned the hard way that hens are much more valuable than roosters in a semi-domesticated yet still free range sort of way.

He sure tasted good though.

For dessert, I was treated to more strawberry cookies by way of Sidney's sister, Callie. This time, they more so resembled actual cookies and not a giant, mostly ambiguous slathering of pink, strawberry flavored sugar and flour.

Well done, Callie. Well done.

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